
Learning rigid-body simulators over implicit shapes.

NeurIPS 2024 [oral].
Imagen 3.

arXiv 2024.
Learning 3D Particle-based Simulators from RGB-D Videos.

ICLR 2024.
Graph network simulators can learn discontinuous, rigid contact dynamics.

CoRL 2023.
Predicting Physics in Mesh-reduced Space with Temporal Attention.

ICLR 2022.
Physical Design using Differentiable Learned Simulators.

NeurIPS 2022.
Multiscale meshgraphnets.

arXiv 2022.
Learning rigid dynamics with face interaction graph networks.

ICLR 2023.
Learning mesh-based simulation with graph networks.

ICLR 2021 [best paper].
Learning ground states of quantum hamiltonians with graph networks.

arXiv 2021.
Learned Coarse Models for Efficient Turbulence Simulation.

ICLR 2021.
Constraint-based graph network simulator.

ICML 2022.
Learning to simulate complex physics with graph networks.

ICML 2020.
Combining q-learning and search with amortized value estimates.

International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2020).
Playing hard exploration games by watching youtube.

NeurIPS 2018.
One-shot high-fidelity imitation: Training large-scale deep nets with rl.

arXiv 2018.
Adaptive tearing and cracking of thin sheets.

Folding and crumpling adaptive sheets.

Scalable fluid simulation using anisotropic turbulence particles.

SIGGRAPH Asia 2010.
Synthetic turbulence using artificial boundary layers.

SIGGRAPH Asia 2009.